[This is ICPU Magazine Ad v2.0]
ICPU Magazine, headed by Helmi Khaled (a.h.k), has finished the publication, and we are here proud to distribute the magazines to ICPU students. We compile students info, pictures, and happening events throughout ICPU courses that would reminisce the memorable moments in ICPU.
We sell this magazine for RM25 per book, but the price book for the magazine RM31. There are people subsidizing this magazine, however, we still need people to sponsor, and it would be our pleasure that you are one of it.
How to buy? We only published 98 copies of the book, less than half from the amount of sponsor students. You need to book by messaging Qayyum, Sadid, or Helmi (Also can through Anas) through ym - qayyum_2, sadidzulhimi, helmikhaled respectively. You can also sms them - phone number stated in previous post). We will sell on the graduation day, but if the magazines are fully booked, you'll have no opportunity to buy.
Snapshots of the magazine (Sample):
Click to enlarge.
I recommend this book as one of the opportunities to keep in touch and reminisce the memorable moments in ICPU. However, you make the decision. Order now, while stock last!
haha..teringat RESTU~
anas jdi join redaksi sane ke?
**anas join redaksi sane ke..
ReplyDeleteisy2, zaman2 univ ni xde dah redaksi2 ni.. ini volunteer2 yg punyai masa untuk bersama2 buat..