Jun 29, 2009

ICPU Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

International Canadian Pre-University, Taylor's University College

1. Do I need to pay for the hostel deposit?

RM650 must be paid in the first week in Taylor's (not necessarily first or second day)

2. What to wear on the registration day?

For taylor's is a private college, you can wear anything you like, but proper attire. It's an open option for you. No need to be too formal, but as to boost your confidence to take the ICPU challenges, it is recommended to wear a charismatic dress (like Mr. Adli). For muslim, cover your aurah (recommended).

3. Which subject should I choose for my course?

For sponsored students, all the subjects are selected by your sponsor. You don't need to select your preferred subjects.

4. Is Casa Subang a good place of living? (not exact words)

Among all other accommodation places that I have been observing, I guarantee Casa Subang is the best place to live. However, you have to admit the high living cost, and Subang heavily congested roads.

5. What is the cut-off point and how to surpass the limit?

80. Start from the beginning, stay in good momentum throughout the course, and seek help from lecturers and friends.

6. How to travel from Casa Subang from the college (class)?

Bus services will be provided to and fro Taylor's College. But, some of the students would prefer to cycle and while there are problems with bus, some would take the RapidKL, and some would walk.

7. Do our sponsors pay the books that we will be using?

No. You have to buy with your own pocket money.

8. Where can I get the books?

University Bookstore is just in front of Taylor's College. But, wait. We have Anas Bookstore - a solution to save your money. We sell second hand Original books at a very reasonable price.

9. Where is Anas Bookstore?

Anas Bookstore is a moving bookstore. We will be at Taylor's University College on the registration day and in the whole week. We also provide the question and answer service. ym: e_mc2paradox to get contact number.

10. Can I use photocopied books?

I disagree with the usage of photocopied because you will be against the law of copyright and reserved items. We know that the original books are quite expensive, and we have some suggestions on how to cut off the budget while still using the original books (ym: e_mc2paradox or meet us during the registration day). Some lecturers are really strict with copyright and piracy.

Additional Questions

11. How many years will we study in Canada?

Until now JPA haven't made any change to the offer letter. The actual period of study in most universities in Canada is 4 years. You don't have to worry about anything regarding extending.

12. Do I need a laptop?

You really need a laptop especially for Engineering Computer Science students. Casa Subang is equipped with good wireless service. You'll have good time to do some research on CPT and so on. A lot of tasks required you to check the blackboard frequently. You can share computer, but sometimes you really need to use it. Please be known that JPA does not sponsor any laptop for you.

Jun 28, 2009

Life as a Hacker

1. A token of appreciation to Azwan for spending time to sketch a memorable, honorable poster entitled "Life as a Hacker".

2. He loves to draw, and I am shocked that he sent one of his drawing to me.

3. The drawing seems to propose an interpretation to the post Hacker that I have written on 23rd of June 2009. What criticism that he used? Well done, Azwan. 4++. Visit his blog.

Jun 24, 2009

ICPU 08-09 Database

1. ICPU has come to an end. Hexen said, "...meet here (MPH Taylor's) in 10 years." Could we make it? It is very important to keep in touch with each other, although some of us would never meet again. I have the database of all the ICPU scholars in the ICPU Magazine, but the decision made at that time may not coincide with what you have chosen now.

2. It is a big pleasure if you (former ICPU students 08-09) could enter the universities on where you are going to. It's that simple! Please spend time for the unity.

Jun 23, 2009

Anas Bookstore - Mega Project

1. The first mega project I have ever made is called Anas Bookstore. Without collaborating with many workers, I take the challenge on my own. I share the idea with Helmi Khaled and most needed person Izzuddin Saidi and they joined successfully.

2. Once I have thought to become a businessman, but I did not want to major in business because I can do it with the nature knowledge. The same goes to Computer Science.

3. I have created a blog http://anasbookstore.blogspot.com to manage the selling with the stockholders, sellers and buyers - all integrated together to perform one mega project.

4. I would like to thank all the people who help me to make this bookstore a successful especially 1712 members: Ammar, Hakim, Ame and also Fuad. Thanks also to Qayyum and Leh for the support.

5. I hope this Mega Project would be successful, and if it is, I would be very happy to initiate another one or two Mega Projects.

5. For those who will register for ICPU in (approx.) 5th July, you can booked for set of books that you want to buy by contacting me (ym: e_mc2paradox) or you can see me on the registration day onwards. You'll save a lot of money by buying second hand books! [I uploaded my picture so you can easily find me]

Jun 22, 2009


1. To whom it might concern.

2. I am proud that more people can fly after the adjustment been made. Do you know that I have known your marks before the marks were released and your marks have been adjusted more than once?

3. More people became happier, and some were even euphoric when they knew they could make up to 80. They didn't know the process were legal or not.

4. This is the world. People want to satisfy their own satisfaction but have less thought of others. People become arrogant in their good time.

5. Some of my friends asked me to request a rollback to these students' original marks, but I chose not to. I am a hacker and why should I misuse my power?

6. When the dictionary defines too many words, and people become confused. What does a hacker do? I was nearly been investigated by both the cops of Malaysia and Canada. The TCiS also wanted to investigated me.

7. I misused my knowledge of Computer Science to do all this. Computer Science teaches the students about how to go through the system, database and everything. Those who learn this subject will know about this.

8. People use their own definition to satisfy themselves, misuse the word 'privacy'.

9. I did not want to retire of becoming a hacker; For being a hacker can help people to fly.

10. I am not a hacker.

Jun 8, 2009

Searching ICPU (Canada) - Taylor's Future Students

Here, I announced that I am searching for future ICPU Taylor's College students. Those who qualified for this are:

1. Those who received offers from JPA or MARA stating:

Country: Canada
Prep: Taylor's College

2. Those who will register for ICPU in July 2009.


For those who are qualified as above, or know anyone that is qualified, or any related groups, please inform me either through this blog or e-mail (sifooparadox [at] gmail [dot] com) or just YM (e_mc2paradox).

I have several issues to be discussed which might be helpful for all future ICPU students. Some of the issues are IcpuScore (Software to calculate marks), How to score in ICPU, and Which books should I buy?

Nuffnang Ads - 1st Cheque


Today, I just got my first cheque from Nuffnang.com, it was not too much, but enough to claim for a cheque. Previously, I have received two cheques from Google. As I just earned from Nuffnang, I will write a review about Nuffnang.

Nuffnang is the Asia's first blog advertising community. For blogs that are written in Malay, it is recommended to put Nuffnang Ads, as Google Ads did not display targeted ads on malay written articles.

Nuffnang Ads is interesting, compared to google, because the ads shown are animated and related to what we already known. When you click the ads, it always brings you to a new, informative site like Celcom, Digi, Microsoft, Happy, Exabytes - new plans, competitions are there. Sometimes, you don't even know that Celcom or Digi has come out with a new plan.

However, nuffnang's earnings are not as much as Google Ads earnings. It is reasonable as it is accounted for Asia's Ads only.

If you want to try nuffnang, you can sign up at http://www.nuffnang.com.my

Jun 6, 2009

Tribute to ICPU teachers...

Tribute to ICPU teacher's for giving us knowledge, power of life, experience, virtue and inspiration. This video was actually given to all teacher's on the Teacher's Day. However, for me, teacher's day is everyday, we should always remember our teacher's sacrifice to us...

Jun 5, 2009

ICPU Magazine (98 copies left!)

[This is ICPU Magazine Ad v2.0]

ICPU Magazine, headed by Helmi Khaled (a.h.k), has finished the publication, and we are here proud to distribute the magazines to ICPU students. We compile students info, pictures, and happening events throughout ICPU courses that would reminisce the memorable moments in ICPU.

We sell this magazine for RM25 per book, but the price book for the magazine RM31. There are people subsidizing this magazine, however, we still need people to sponsor, and it would be our pleasure that you are one of it.

How to buy? We only published 98 copies of the book, less than half from the amount of sponsor students. You need to book by messaging Qayyum, Sadid, or Helmi (Also can through Anas) through ym - qayyum_2, sadidzulhimi, helmikhaled respectively. You can also sms them - phone number stated in previous post). We will sell on the graduation day, but if the magazines are fully booked, you'll have no opportunity to buy.

Snapshots of the magazine (Sample):

Click to enlarge.

I recommend this book as one of the opportunities to keep in touch and reminisce the memorable moments in ICPU. However, you make the decision. Order now, while stock last!

Jun 4, 2009

Free-e-books: Anyone wants to contribute?

It has been six months since I created the blog http://free-e-books.blogspot.com
The purpose of the blog is mainly to provide free e-books, or easy access to download to e-books. For contributors, there are no benefits gained by uploading and sharing books except helping others to make their life easy.

Becoming a contributor makes millions people around the world feel easy to find what they want. When else do you want to contribute to the world?

Sharing is caring. Everyone would like to share their ideas and experiences through blog. It's best that you share what you have too, and what you like to have too.

Contact me if you want to become a contributor of http://free-e-books.blogspot.com

Jun 3, 2009

Holiday, time to make money! Interested?

Holiday, holiday and holiday. When holiday comes, people start thinking of what to do. Some would think of having vacation (this is nice!) or having a trip with friends, looking for job, study for future (amazing!??), hanging out with friends, learning religious knowledge (perfect!!) while some would consider sleeping most of the time.

For me, I my prior for this holiday is to continue making money online, which would not take much of energy, cost and time in relative to the outcomes. I would also like to share the experience and knowledge on how to make money online, based on the outcomes of what I has already learned and what I would learn. My total earnings until now (including pending) are more than a thousand ringgit.

My main focus is making money through adsense. I would write about adsense in the next few posts. However, here I would like to list two complimentary sites that could be a possible income during holiday.

1st Youthsays - Making money through survey

This is a malaysian site, that gives income through answering survey. You'll be credited according to the survey value. The bad side of this site, is, survey only available periodically, not all the time, and you would see your money hold for a long time.

For me, that is not a problem, I would receive e-mail for new survey, thus, whenever there is a new survey, I will answer. Who knows this can be your extras money one day! You don't need any effort except answering surveys for this site.

Message from the site:

Everyday, you say something.

You SMS, chat online, and talk to your friends and family.

What if you got rewarded for your say?

More than 165,177 young Malaysians and I have been active in this community and I thought you would want to check it out.

How does it work?
* Get paid when you take surveys, help businesses and society serve you better.
* Meet like minds and influence others as you discuss your interests, current issues in the group discussions.
* Help young Malaysians with their questions. Or ask one of your own!

It's actually quite addictive and you can earn a bit of money on the side. Till date, members have earned a total of RM 150,205.

You have to see it for yourself!

If you want to join, click this banner:

2nd - myLot - Earn money while discussing in forum

See this post for description: http://paradoxanas.blogspot.com/2008/12/mylot-discuss-anything-while-earning.html